This month's Session is being hosted by those lovely ladies over at Beer For Chicks. Reflecting on the last year and looking forward to the year ahead seems to be the theme, so here's my scribblings and jotted-down-neuroses....
So - what was your best and worst of beer for 2009? Well, as the previous post suggests, my favourite beer of 2009 was a tie between Flying Dog's Raging Bitch (available soon, be still my beating heart...!!) and Nogne-O's awesome IPA. As for the worst beer...well, I couldnt possibly say. Taste is subjective. But i'm not a fan of Badger’s Golden Glory. I think it tastes of air freshener. Which is a shame, because I don't mind Blandford Fly or First Gold.
What beer mistakes did you make?
I planned to do a round up of Supermarket beers during the summer, but with the exception of one or two, they were all so supremely bad that I couldn't bring myself to post about them.
Also, I became too freindly with some Fuller’s London Porter in exceelent condition in York earlier on in the year, and almost missed my train home - which was important as I had a birthday meal to attend. I made it (just), but was so drunk that I could not enjoy the lovely Thai feastthat had been laid on. A shame - and I was well and truly in the doghouse that night.
What beer resolutions do you have for 2010?
One – to drink more in Pubs. Simple as that, to simply drink in pubs more. Not much of a hardship, is it?Also to provide more coverage on the blog for beer festivals and more small brewer interviews. That's what's important - not how many free lunches I've attended.
What beer mistakes did you make?
I planned to do a round up of Supermarket beers during the summer, but with the exception of one or two, they were all so supremely bad that I couldn't bring myself to post about them.
Also, I became too freindly with some Fuller’s London Porter in exceelent condition in York earlier on in the year, and almost missed my train home - which was important as I had a birthday meal to attend. I made it (just), but was so drunk that I could not enjoy the lovely Thai feastthat had been laid on. A shame - and I was well and truly in the doghouse that night.
What beer resolutions do you have for 2010?
One – to drink more in Pubs. Simple as that, to simply drink in pubs more. Not much of a hardship, is it?Also to provide more coverage on the blog for beer festivals and more small brewer interviews. That's what's important - not how many free lunches I've attended.
What are your beer regrets and embarrassing moments?
Beer regrets? Well, simply not doing more! There’s always beer festivals, events and launches that I can’t attend due to short notice or location. Working full-time can really be a bind on your beery adventuring. Embarrasing moments? Not any that I can recall! No regrets!
What are you hoping to change about your beer experience in 2010?
I have a gap in my knowledge when it comes to Italian Craft Beer, and as I'm visiting the North of Italy in September, I'm hoping to find some time out of my honeymoon to try some great beers. I'm incredibly lucky to have a partner who is very open to beer and my passions and is happy to indulge me!! I'm also going to try and see if I can avoid temptation to do the inevitable 'World Cup of Beer' posts in the summer. Really. It's been done. Really Done.
Beer regrets? Well, simply not doing more! There’s always beer festivals, events and launches that I can’t attend due to short notice or location. Working full-time can really be a bind on your beery adventuring. Embarrasing moments? Not any that I can recall! No regrets!
What are you hoping to change about your beer experience in 2010?
I have a gap in my knowledge when it comes to Italian Craft Beer, and as I'm visiting the North of Italy in September, I'm hoping to find some time out of my honeymoon to try some great beers. I'm incredibly lucky to have a partner who is very open to beer and my passions and is happy to indulge me!! I'm also going to try and see if I can avoid temptation to do the inevitable 'World Cup of Beer' posts in the summer. Really. It's been done. Really Done.
A world cup of beer?! What an idea ;) I might do a Eurovision of beer too!! LOL!
Nice post. Fuller's Porter is dangerous! Getting out more is my main resolution too. I'll be up in Leeds on the 24th Jan if you are around? (I know you mentioned not being able to come to Sheffield but can't remember why... this is the day after for a quick couple in North Bar, etc)
Happy New Year!
Mark - yeah, why not. Drop me a mail with when you'll be about and I'll pop over to North. see you then. Im at the winter beer fest the rest of the weekend. Happy new year, fella.
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